Trustees’ annual report in Charities

1 student


According to the Statement of Recommended Practices (SORP) ‘’the primary purpose of the trustees’ annual report is to ensure that the charity is publicly accountable to its stakeholders for the stewardship and management of the funds it holds on trust.”

Doing this course will enable accountants and trustees alike what information is to be legally required to be included in a trustee’s annual report. Specifically, the course coves;

  • Trustees’ annual report basics
  • The content of the trustees’ annual report required of all charities;
  • The additional content required of larger charities.

This course is derived from the Statement of Recommended Practice applicable to charities preparing their accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2015)

Who is it for?

  • Accountants
  • Trustees of charities
  • Chief executive officers and other directors
  • Staff working in Communication department in a charity
  • Fundraising staff

How does it work?

Once you register for the course, we will email you your log-in ID, and you can be on your way to learn right away. It’s that simple.

You can read our terms of engagement by clicking here.

You can pay for this program by using a debit or credit card.

Click here for our bank details

  • Trustee's annual report basics
  • Content of Annual Report
  • Content of trustees report for larger charities


Jameela Khan
